One of India’s biggest names in the genre of wildlife photography, Rajesh Bedi, along with brother Naresh, has worked towards portraying and conserving wildlife.
Bedi is one of India’s most experienced wildlife photographers, one-half of the famed Bedi Brothers filmmaker duo. The Brothers, Rajesh and Naresh, older by two years, have won several awards for their films. The Ganges Gharial, (1984) was the first Indian wildlife film to get the Panda Award (also called the Green Oscar) while Saving The Tiger (1987) and Man – Eating Tiger (1987) were nominated for the BAFTA awards and Cherub of the Mist(2006), on the elusive red panda was nominated for the Emmys.
He is the first Asian winner of the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year award in 1986, and recipient of the Indian government’s Lifetime Photography Award.